【导语】2018年英语四六级考试马上到了,临近考试,多关注写作素材,对提高作文成绩会有帮助,下面是本站四六级频道为大家整理的《2018年6月英语四级作文题目预测及范文:选秀节目》一文,希望给大家带来帮助。 1 现在许多大学生放弃学业去参加“选秀”节目;  2 有人认为“选秀”节目为这些大学生提供


 1. 现在许多大学生放弃学业去参加“选秀”节目;

  2. 有人认为“选秀”节目为这些大学生提供了展示自我的平台,他们应该抓住机会“秀出自己”;但也有人认为这种选秀节目会养成大学生 “急功近利”的心态;

  3. 那么作为一个大学生,你是怎么看待这件事情的?



  Nowadays, TV PK Shows (or we can call it Talent Shows) are great hit in China and have attracted many young people. As for me, TV PK Shows, as all other things, have both positive and negative effects.   Therefore, the most crucial thing is how we see them.

  Some people think Talent Shows provide grass-root people with a stage to display their talents, so they should seize every opportunity to show off their talents. Some College students even give up their studies to attend these TV PK Shows in the hope of becoming famous overnight. They even regard TV PK shows as a shortcut to the success. While other people reckon that TV PK Shows will develop the undergraduates’   attitude of anxious of achieving quick success. And once they were failed in these shows, they would suffer a great psychological unbalance. This is really bad to their physical and psychological health.

  To sum up, everything has its limit. As long as the right attitude is employed, then it is OK.



推荐访问:2018年6月英语四级作文范文 2018年6月英语四级真题作文范文 2018年6月四级英语作文题目 2018年四级真题作文 2018年6月英语4级作文 2018年6月英语四级答案 2018四级作文真题范文 2018年6月英语四级真题 2018年6月英语四级翻译 2018年6月英语四级写作 2018年英语四级作文范文 2018年6月四级作文答案 2018年6月四级作文题目 2018年6月英语四级考试题 2018年四级作文范文 2018英语四级写作范文 2018英语四级作文模板 英语四级作文真题范文 2018